Geno Tissue Sampling Tags and System Explained
Tissue Sampling Tags for Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Goat
The Caisley Tissue Sampling Tag is specifically engineered to collect a tissue sample during the tagging process. This allows you to tag your livestock as you normally would while simultaneously collecting a tissue sample.
The system is designed to be ‘tamper-proof’ as the sample is securely sealed at the exact moment the tag is inserted into the animal’s ear.
All information present on the tag is replicated on the tissue sample vial, which remains securely in the applicator after application of the tag. These sample vials can be sent for DNA analysis or BVD testing.
Vial after tag application
Easy visual review of sample quality after application of the tag
Tissue Sampling Tag
Sampling projectile with stainless steel blade
Pin with attached sampler (projectile)
Tissue sample tube with the ear tag number printed and 2D barcode
The tube is equipped with a liquid preservative for DNA testing and a dry desiccant for BVD testing
Locking mechanism with a tissue sample tube inserted
Main uses of Caisley Tissue Sampling Tags:
- Parentage testing
- Determination of genetic defects
- DNA genotyping and estimation of genetic breeding values (Genomics)
- Proof of origin (e.g. Quality meat programs)
- Antigen/antibody tests (e.g. BVD Virus, Scrapie)
- Proof of ownership
Practical & Simple Application on Farm
‘One action tag and sampling – No assembly – No sample transfer’
- Tag ready to use – No component assembly
- Sample tube carries unique official Ministry number or management
- Tube & tag numbering intrinsically linked
- Tamper proof & tamper evident sample tube
- None of the components are reusable
- Down line sample identification using 2D barcode
- Sample tube scan software interfaces with all major LIMS systems or database
Simple, practical, low cost solution
Unique Unrivalled ‘Closed System’
- Virtually 100% certainty of sample authenticity
- Sample unequivocally identified by the unique individual animal number
- Practical & simple application on farm
- No external or additional on farm operation & specialist skills required
- Dovetails with standard analytical laboratory equipment, procedures & processes
- Proven rigour & robustness in Court of Law
- Thoroughly tried & tested for over 10 years
- Simple, practical, low cost solution